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David Miller’s is a Gungalu man and currently serves as Director on the Board at Kurbingui Youth Development Ltd. David has been involved with Kurbingui in various roles on the Board not long after the organisation was first established in 2001. He has been successful in the role of Treasurer, general member, Secretary and Director and was pivotal with the other current Board of Directors in transitioning the organisation from the company status of an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee.

David is currently retired and is an active Aboriginal community member who has membership on several committees including the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC), Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Committee for the Brisbane Arch Dioses and the Catholic Murri Ministry (Centre Care Brisbane) member for 24 years. Since retiring, David has continued his work with the Murri Ministry in a volunteer capacity which has consisted of liaising with schools and advocating for scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in the Catholic education system throughout Queensland. Additionally, David is currently the Queensland National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) representative.

David is passionate about the area of Education for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people and adults and is a well-respected elder person within the community. His lengthy work history was specifically focused to all areas related to “Logistics” within a major retail store in Brisbane and surrounding suburbs (37 years employment with David Jones Department Stores) – his skills and expertise within this area include but are not limited to finance, management, coordination and operationalisation of teams of staff members in various departments within the retail store chain. In addition, his other skills include community engagement and development with a focus on increasing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People and other community members. During David’s employment with David Jones Retail Stores he undertook regular in-service training in the areas of Management and Logistics and related topics within the area as mentioned above.

Prior to this, David’s work experience also included – administration, finance and scheduling of people and goods in New Zealand and Central Queensland. David currently supports Kurbingui in his Director role as well as connecting staff to contacts where further opportunities, including funding, may be available to support families and their children in the areas of education and social emotional wellbeing. David is a member of the Brisbane Northside Elders and Australian Catholic University Elders Groups and supports all community activities and events as well and his fellow members.

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