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Kurbingui Youth Development Family-Led Decision Making Program (FLDM) is a culturally appropriate approach aimed to work with young people to prevent re-offending through the participation of family, for the young people to be accountable to their own community/elders and work within their family on finding new ways to participate in important life and community activities, such as learning or earning (or both), they are in agreement to seek support or engage more in cultural and community events, sport and recreation, or address worries and concerns that can be mitigated by the family’s efforts.
Aims & Objectives

The overall aim of the program is to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to make positive decisions to achieve change in their children’s behaviour, safety and ongoing cultural and practical support needs. The program will support practical self-determination in finding sustainable solutions to a child or young person’s offending behaviour.

Participants will have the authority to make important and significant decisions about their children and the young person. Each child will have the opportunity to engage by agreeing to change their behaviour with help and guidance from the family and local community.

FLDM Program Offers

Kurbingui Youth Development Family Led Decision Making Program is a culturally appropriate approach to working with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (aged 10-17 years of age). Family Led Decision Making is an independent approach to prevent young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from reoffending through participation of the family and the young person.

The program aims to reduce young people who are involved in the Youth Justice System or who are ‘at risk’ of entering the Youth Justice system or who are on release from detention. The overall aim is to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to make positive decisions to achieve change in the children’s behaviour, safety and ongoing cultural and practical support needs.

The program will support practical self-determination in finding long-term solutions to a child or young person’s offending behaviour. Family members and the young person who participate in Family Led Decision Making meetings will make important decisions about their children and young people. Each child/ young person will have a voice and an opportunity to be heard during the process with the help of their family, significant others and community.

The process will help young people be accountable for their actions and be encouraged to accept responsibility for their behaviour. Family, community and kin are included in key decision making regarding future pathways for the young person by coming together to develop a plan that will support the young person to make safer choices in the future.

Criteria for Referrals

You may be able to apply for a Family Led Decision Making process if the following is occurring for your family:

A restorative Justice Order has not been mandated by the court;
If a young person has offended against a person and that person refuses to participate in a Youth Justice Conference process and /or the offence is minor;
The young person meets the requirements for a Diversion Program to participate in the process;
An agreement is made with the young person for a Diversion Program, and;
Identifies that a young person has agreed for a referral to the Family Led Decision Making service.
What Will Happen
A staff member from the FLDM team will contact the family and young person to arrange a meet and greet;
The young person and Family will identify other family members/kin and/or community that are important to them and may support the young person to make healthy safe choices;
A meeting may be arranged with extended family if required;
A final meeting will occur where the young person and family agree to a plan that is supported by their family, social networks and possibly professional supports;
The FDLM team will make culturally appropriate referrals where required on behalf of the young person and family.
FLDM Client Referral

Want to make a client referral? Download our Client Referral Form completing all required sections and email the form to:

Connect with Family-Led Decision Making (FLDM)

Phone: (07) 3156 4800

Fax: (07) 3265 3263


Hours of Operation

 Monday to Friday

  9:00 am – 5:00 pm

*After Hours by Appointment Only.

Where We Are Located


425 Zillmere Road,

Zillmere QLD 4034

This program is funded by the Queensland Government Department of Children, Youth Justice, and Multicultural Affairs.

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