The Brisbane Local Level Alliance (LLA) is a collection of services from across Brisbane who come together monthly or quarterly around a variety of issues affecting children, young people and families. Member organisations are committed to collaborating to improve outcomes for families, particularly those experiencing disadvantage. Our membership spans government, community and for-profit agencies across education, health, justice and the social sector.
The Local Level Alliances were initiated by the Queensland Government as a reform response to the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry (Commission) report recommendations regarding the need for improved place-based initiatives to harness local knowledge and increase coordinated collaboration across the Queensland child protection sector.
The report makes several references to the need for regional alliances and structures. The Local Level Alliances are delivered as a function of the Family and Child Connect Program funding. For Brisbane, Yadeni Tago is the name of the Family and Child Connect Program (Indigenous and Non-Indigenous). It represents the partnership between Kurbingui Youth and Family and Mercy Community. Yadeni Tago is Turrabul language for “working together”.
The Brisbane LLA adopts methods from community development and collective impact approaches. We listen to our members and work to establish local initiatives driven by local organisations.
We host Brisbane Region Quarterly Meetings. These are held to provide information, networking, working group updates and stimulate discussion and member involvement in broad systemic issues that LLA may be able to assist with addressing. Our monthly working groups currently meet to discuss the following areas:
Brisbane North: Engaging families in Early Education.
Brisbane South: Developing a quick reference guide for family support practitioners working with parents who use methamphetamine.
Brisbane South West: Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s transitions to prep.
Brisbane South West: Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people’s transitions to high school.
Responses to Young People: Developing an Embedded DV specialist workers/knowledge in services to young people
Responses to Young People: Developing a mobile mental health service for young people
Responses to Young People: Reducing rental prejudice by increasing awareness of youth homelessness
Brisbane North: Family Support Collective.
Brisbane South Family Support Collective (includes the South West region): Our working group objectives are informed by local needs, driven and resourced by the commitment of local organisations and government departments.
The Family and Child Connect Program Guidelines (Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women) describe the LLA purpose as “To establish or strengthen connections between local services who work with vulnerable families to deliver the right services at the right time”.
Our program guidelines outline the following LLA outcomes:
Monday to Friday
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
*A message bank service is available outside of these hours.
445 Zillmere Road,
Zillmere QLD 4034
This program is funded by the Queensland Government Department of Children, Youth Justice, and Multicultural Affairs.