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The Community Access program is open 2 days per week, on Monday’s and Friday’s from 9.00am to 4.00pm.

A key part of the services delivered to the community is access to computers, telephones, printers, scanning and faxes.

Aims & Objectives

The Community Access program aims to ensure that strong, culturally appropriate services are provided to Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander community members in a timely manner. The objective of the program is to create and strengthen social links through shared cultural pursuits, resourceful information, referrals and linkages to all aspects in community with a focus on art, music, culture, youth support, family Services, employment and training and community events.

Community Access Offers
Housing Referrals and Advocacy.
Computer Access.
Referrals to Health Services.
Client Support and Advocacy.
Referrals to Specialist Support Services.
Access to Phones for Business Use.
Access to the Printer, Scan and Fax Machines.
Program Benefits

The Community Access program is funded by Kurbingui to operate on Monday’s and Friday’s and has been set up to provide general support to Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Community Members in the local catchment area. Community Access staff can link community members to People/ Services/Departments that can assist you in areas such as:

Health Care – Medical, Drug and Alcohol and Substance Abuse Response and Social Emotional Wellbeing.
Child Care, Preschools, Pregnancy Support and Parenting Programs.
Court Support and Legal Advice.
Education, Training, Literacy, Numeracy and Computer Skills.
Jobs, Training, Job Readiness.
Housing, Rental Assistance and Tenancy.
Access to Computers, Phones and Fax Machines.
Referrals to other Kurbingui programs.

Community Access staff aim to create and strengthen social links throughout the community and reduce the disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander people.

Connect with Community Access

Phone: (07) 3156 4800

Fax: (07) 3265 3263


Hours of Operation

 Monday to Friday

  9:00 am – 5:00 pm

*After Hours by Appointment Only.

Where We Are Located


425 Zillmere Road,

Zillmere QLD 4034

This program is self-funded by Kurbingui Youth & Family Development.

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