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Kurbingui has been successful in securing the lead role in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Regional Suicide Prevention (RSP) funded by the Brisbane North Primary Health Network (PHN). The program aims to provide an emergency response and follow up care response to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community who reside in Brisbane North.

Kurbingui understands and identifies the importance of supporting the social, emotional, spiritual, and cultural wellbeing of a person within our community. Kurbingui also recognises the importance of developing connection to land, culture, spirituality, family, and community are important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how this disconnect can impact on wellbeing.

Aims & Objectives

The program aims to identify the best approach to suicide prevention education, support and follow up amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay Regions. We work with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and recognise the diversity within our community.

The target group includes Young to Middle age men, LGBTIQ + Sistergirl, BrotherBoy, Elders, Families, Young Girls, Children and Individual Community members who are experiencing a suicidal crisis or attempted to end their life through suicide or have been impacted by suicide in some way in their family.

The NSP Social, Emotional Wellbeing program includes the following activities:

Strong Deadly Spirits Youth Cultural Engagement run throughout the school terms (ages 11-17 year old).
Emergency Response and Follow up (all ages).
Suicide Prevention Training – All Community members including Frontline workers & Elders
Yarning Circles – includes Elders and all Community Members.
Regional Suicide Prevention (RSP) Offers

The Social, Emotional Wellbeing Practitioners will work with our clients who are experiencing a suicide crisis, recent attempt or have lost a loved one to suicide.

The Practitioner will work to establish appropriate support and access to services and follow up to assist with the client’s journey.

Criteria for Referrals
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person who has attempted to end their life through suicide.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person experiencing suicidal crisis.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person or family who have been bereaved by suicide.
SEWB Client Referral

Want to make a client referral? Download our Client Referral Form completing all required sections and email the form to:

SEWB Client Feedback Survey

We would love to hear your feedback about SEWB download our Client Feedback Survey and email the form to:

Alternatively, you can complete our online form.

Connect with our Regional Suicide Prevention Team

Phone: (07) 3156 4800

Fax: (07) 3265 3263


Hours of Operation

 Monday to Friday

  9:00 am – 5:00 pm

*After Hours by Appointment Only.

Activities are often provided After Hours and on Weekends.

Where We Are Located


425 Zillmere Road,

Zillmere QLD 4034

This program is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the PHN Program.

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