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Kurbingui Youth and Family Development are strong supporters of the Family Matters Campaign. Family Matters is Australia’s national campaign to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children grow up safe and cared for surrounded by their own family, community and culture.

Kurbingui Youth and Family Development has committed to implementing the principles and actions of the Family Matters: kids safe in culture, not in care campaign.

The State of Commitment echoes the Kurbingui Youth and Family Development’s own role to act in the best interests of all children and young people and have particular regard for Aboriginal children and young people and those who are vulnerable for any reason.

Kurbingui Youth and Family Development’s Statement of Commitment

The Statement of Commitment is an initiative of Family Matters, a national campaign to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people grow up safe and cared for in family, community and their culture.

The Family Matters Statement of Commitment has six principles:

  1. Applying a child focussed approach.
  2. Ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations participate in and have control over decisions that affect their children.
  3. Protecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s right to live in culture.
  4. Pursuing evidence-based responses
  5. Supporting, healing and strengthening families.
  6. Challenging systemic racism and inequalities.

For more information about the Statement of Commitment or the Family Matters campaign, visit the Family Matters website at

Community Resource Guides

If you want to find out more about the child protection intervention process and how to respond, read the community resource guides. These guides contain information on the child protection intervention process within each state. The community resource guides may be able to help if you:

Need help looking after your children.
Want to know why child protection or the department is calling.
Want assistance dealing with child protection the department.
Want to know how to respond if your children are taken away from you or a family member.
Want to make a complaint about child protection or the department.
Are looking for the contact information of Family Support Services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Organisations, Legal Services, Complaints.
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