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North Brisbane Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Men’s Shed

The North Brisbane Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Men’s Shed is run by a core group of male Elders and community members who have continued to establish the Men’s Shed since early 2018.
About the Men's Shed

In response to the interest of local Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Men in the local community, a group of Elders who were members of the Brisbane Northside Elders Group got together with Kurbingui staff and management and submitted an application for funding to establish a Men’s Shed in the north Brisbane for Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander men over the 18 years of age.

Led by Uncle John Johnston and Uncle Alan Finn and with the support of male members of the Brisbane Northside Elders and assistance from the Skilling Queenslanders for Work Construction Trainees they set about refurbishing an area within the Kurbingui campus and created the Men’s Shed area. Although still in its infancy, the aim is to fill the identified gap by providing male clients of the various programs within Kurbingui aged 18 and above, Elders and the wider Brisbane community with a culturally safe, friendly environment for Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander men to meet, participate in a Community Venture, conduct Men’s Business including Yarning Circles, and help facilitate positive wellbeing in all members.

Men’s Shed Yarning Circles are a cultural gathering of Indigenous people to share ideas, experiences or concerns and bring older and younger Indigenous men together to share culture and facilitate lasting connections. Contact with and connections between younger Indigenous men and Elders have been interrupted for many who travelled (or who were forcibly moved) off country to live and work in the Brisbane area. The North Brisbane Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men’s Shed aims to restore these important cultural significant links, educate younger men about their culture, provide meaningful activity and empower our Indigenous men.

The Men's Shed Projects

The Men’s Shed are working on projects that include:

Push Bike Repairs and Servicing.
Wooden Toys.
Boomerang Making.
Furniture Refurbishing.
Upcycling Old Materials into New Practical Items.
Continuing to Fit Out the Men’s Shed Machinery and Storage.
Want to join us?

Come along to our next get together: Tuesdays and Thursday weekly10.00am to 2.00pm

Meetings are held bi-monthly or as advised.

Have a Project for Us?

The North Brisbane Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Men’s Shed welcome all project suggestions that will enhance our community.

One example that the Men’s shed are working making boomerangs and clap sticks for the youth group.

Connect with the Men's Shed

Phone: (07) 3156 4800

Fax: (07) 3265 3263


Men’s Shed Hours

 Tuesdays and Thursdays (weekly)

  10:00 am – 2:00 pm

*Meetings are held Bi-Monthly or as advised.

Where We Are Located


425 Zillmere Road,

Zillmere QLD 4034

This program is auspiced in partnership with Kurbingui, the Australian Men’s and the North Brisbane Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Men’s Shed.

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