Greater Brisbane’s Roadmap for Easing Restrictions

The Greater Brisbane region will transition to eased restrictions at 6pm today, following a weekend lockdown enacted to contain any potential spread of the UK variant of COVID-19.
The restrictions are similar to Stage 3 restrictions Queensland saw in July last year and will be in place at least until 1am 22 January.
You will be allowed to leave your home for any purpose. The following gathering restrictions are in place to keep you and others safe:
- You must carry a mask at all times.
- Masks must be worn in indoor places including shopping centres and supermarkets, gyms, places of worship, libraries, public transport, and taxis and rideshare vehicles.
- Masks must be worn in workplaces if social distancing isn’t possible and it’s safe to do so.
- You don’t need to wear a mask in private vehicles, while outdoors at a safe distance from other people or if you’re doing strenuous exercise.
- Businesses and venues can have one person per 4m² indoors and one person per 2m² outdoors.
- Smaller venues up to 200m² can have one person per 2m² up to a maximum of 50.
- You must be seated to eat and drink, and no dancing is allowed except at weddings.
- Gatherings are restricted to 20 people in homes and public spaces.
- Weddings and funerals can have up to 100 people, and dancing is allowed at weddings without restrictions.
- Indoor concert venues and theatres can operate at 50% capacity or one person per four square metres, whichever is greater.
- Outdoor stadiums can operate at 50% capacity with COVID-safe plans.
- Restrictions on visits to hospitals, aged care, disability accommodation and prisons will remain.
Visit here for more information
Over the past 72 hours, people in the Greater Brisbane area have followed lockdown and movement advice strongly. It is because of such a strong response from the community that we are able to ease these restrictions, but we aren’t out of the woods yet. Thank you all for coming together – as you have before – and playing your part. Let’s keep up the amazing work.
Remember to always:
- Practise good hygiene
- Socially distance
- Exercise common sense
- Stay at home when unwell